A mid 17th century chapel, built to house the Brotherhood of the Grey Penitents (1636-1638) and placed under the double dedication of Saint Francis of Assisi and the Assumption of Our Lady.
The chapel has suffered the vicissitudes of history, sometimes its use prohibited, sometimes used as a fodder store. From 1754, it also served as a place of worship for the neighbouring establishment (Hôpital St Jacques). Sold during the revolution, then bought, it was again sold to the Brotherhood until their disappearance in 1877. It was then deprived of major repairs for a century, but was restored in the late 1980s by the ASFVL, the parish and the municipality.

The chapel consists of a single nave, the walls lined with stalls for the 40 penitents. The main altar is 19th century, with statues of St Joseph (axe and compass), the Sacred Heart and St Francis above it. Towards the entrance there is another altarpiece dedicated to St Donat – a reliquary from the 18th century surmounted by the episcopal coat of arms, the crosier and the mitre. Opposite hangs a large painting depicting the apotheosis of St Donat as a martyr blessing the people of Lorgues.
The chapel is assigned to weekday worship during the winter and is usually open to visit.